Mountain Safety


Amateur volunteer hikers, skiers and climbers coordinate all trips listed in the Jasper-Hinton Section’s trip schedule. When on a trip, participants must act in a manner that is safe and responsible and participants are expected to bring the equipment requested by the trip leader. Participants should find out the requirements and demands of the trip well in advance by asking the leader and researching the trip in guidebooks and other literature. Further guidelines for participants are listed below.

  1. Be prepared to complete an insurance waiver form.
  2. You must be a member of the Alpine Club of Canada to join a trip.
  3. Sign up for trips that will challenge you, but are not beyond your abilities. If unsure, ask the trip leader and tell them your experience and fitness level – be honest. People inexperienced in the mountains should start with easier trips.
  4. Learn about the trip before you attend (which route, number of kilometers, amount of vertical gain/loss, type of terrain, length of day, etc.).
  5. Give as much notice as possible to the Trip Leader if you are unable to go on the trip. There are often waiting lists of other members who would like to go.
  6. Ensure that you have the right equipment and that it is in good repair.
  7. For winter trips, make sure that you are using a digital avalanche transceiver and that it is in good working order. Single antenna (analog) transceivers are not acceptable.
  8. Bring your helmet on all moderate and difficult scrambles, alpine, rock and ice climbs. Leaders may ask you to bring your helmet on certain ski trips as well.
  9. Offer to drive, share expenses and be prepared to carry a part of the “group gear” (ropes, etc). The trip leader has often invested considerable time prior to the trip, investigating the route, reviewing the avalanche hazard, etc. and is often supplying his/her own equipment. Show your appreciation for this effort.
